Various Price Points Available

Registration is NOW Open!

Digital Access

  • Access to all keynotes
  • Live Feed access
  • Digital Booths
  • CPE Credits Available

Registration Fee

  • Access to Conference Sessions
  • Eligible to Earn CPE Credits
  • Attendance to Special Events

*Recent CPA Graduate Pricing

  • Access to Conference Sessions
  • Eligible to Earn CPE Credits
  • Special Pricing for CPA Students!
  • Must Be Verified By Transcript

*This year, we are thrilled to offer a “CPA Student Registration Rate” for those currently pursuing or recently graduated with a degree in accounting or related field. This is an exclusive and very limited offer. We have just 25 of these registrations available. To take advantage of the CPA student pricing you must meet the following requirements:

1.     Currently registered in or recent graduate of an accounting or related field

2.     Must be able to provide proof of studentship:

a.     Student ID

b.     Transcript

c.     Current student email address

3.     if interested, complete registration and email with your credentials and relevant information