Sponsorship Opportunities

This sponsorship level is for companies seeking an exclusive opportunity to be highlighted at this event. Our Diamond Sponsors are treated to white-glove service, with special opportunities that are not available outside of this level. 

·         4 Registrations included

·         Exclusive opportunity – only 1 available  

·         25% off discount code for additional registrations  

·         Listed as Diamond sponsor on website/emails/social media  

·         Mention from Randy on stage and in his blog and 2 mentions on podcast 

·         Speaking opportunity at conference (20 minute segment during lunch on Tuesday)  

·         Exclusive logo printed on lanyards 

·         Logo on registration page 

·         Logo included on Step-And-Repeat 

·         Highlight during formal dinner 

·         Company profile in event app 

·         10’x 20’ booth with premium location and visibility 

·         Logo on all printed materials (folders, flyers, signage) 

·         Promotion before/after/during event on social 

·         Invitation to speak on podcast near event date 

·         One “pushed” message sent to attendees per day via the conference app (subject to approval) 

·         Logo on app banner 

·         Invitation to all receptions and social events 

·         Pre Event Attendee list provided 2 weeks prior to event (no contact info) 

·         Screen ad run between sessions 

·         3 registrations included 

·         Speaking opportunity at conference (10 minutes during breakfast, either day)  

·         Listed as Platinum sponsor on website and social media  

·         20% off discount code for additional registrations 

·         Mention from Randy on stage and in his blog  

·         Company profile in event app 

·         10’x10’ booth  

·         Logo on all printed materials (folders, flyers, signage) 

·         Promotion before/after/during event on social 

·         Invitation to speak on podcast 

·         Screen ad run between sessions 

·         Invitation to all receptions and social events 

·         Pre Event Attendee list provided 2 weeks prior to event (no contact info)   

·         2 registrations included 

·         Listed as Gold sponsor on website  

·         Mention from Randy on stage during event 

·         Company profile in event app 

·         10’x10’ booth

·         Logo on all printed materials (folders, flyers, signage) 

·         Promotion before/after event on social 

·         Screen ad run between sessions 

·         Invitation to all receptions and social events 

·         Pre Event Attendee list provided 2 weeks prior to event (no contact info) 

·         2 registrations included

·         Listed as Silver sponsor on website 

·         Company profile in event app 

·         10’x10’ booth

·         Promotion before/after event on social 

·         Screen ad run between sessions 

·         Invitation to all receptions and social events 

·         Pre Event Attendee list provided 2 weeks prior to event (no contact info)   

·         1 registration included 

·         Listed as Bronze sponsor on website 

·         Company profile in event app 

·         Promotion before/after event on social 

·         Screen ad run between sessions 

·         Invitation to all receptions and social events 

·         Pre Event Attendee list provided 2 weeks prior to event (no contact info)  

Please contact info@btgconference.com for additional sponsorship opportunities. 

Exhibitor Opportunities

·         2 registrations included 

·         10’x20’ booth space with premium visibility and location  

·         6 ft table + 2 Chairs + wastebasket  

·         Table sign with company name  

·         Listed as Level Two Exhibitor with company logo on website  

·         Dedicated social media post  

·         Screen ad run in between sessions 

·         Invitation to all receptions and social events 

·         2 registrations included 

·         10’x10’ booth space 

·         6 ft table + 2 Chairs + wastebasket  

·         Table sign with company name  

·         Listed as Level One Exhibitor with company logo on website  

·         Invitation to all receptions and social events